
[WinCE] *.bib

BIB files

ROMIMAGE uses Binary Image Builder (BIB) files to configure how it should configure the ROM. BIB files are just plain text files with keywords defining four different sections.

The modules section is identified with the keyword MODULES on a line of its own. In the modules section, executable modules are listed for code that will execute in place (XIP). The files section (keyword FILES) lists other files to place in the image (bitmaps, data files, HTML pages, and so on). It can also specify executable modules not intended for XIP. Rarely used diagnostic applications are a good candidate for that. The items in the files section are compressed by default to reduce the size.

modules and files
The syntax is pretty straightforward for the entries of the modules and files sections:

[target] [whitespace] [workstation][memory][flags][target]

is the name of the file as it will appear in the ROM. is the path ROMIMAGE will use to find the actual file (normally based on $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)). The memory section will be "NK" with few exceptions. (Boot loaders are a common exception).

The flags are summarized in the following table:
C--Compressed (default for files section)
U--Uncompressed (default for modules section)
R--Compress resources only
H--Hidden file
S--System file
The remaining two sections of BIB files are normally placed in the Config.bib file (merged with the other BIB files in the makeimg phase to generate ce.bib). These are:

The memory section, which describes the memory layout for your system. It's syntax is as follows:
[name] [virtual] [size] [type]

where TYPE is one of the following:
RAM --
Specifies a region of RAM available to running processes and the RAM-based Windows CE file system. The region must be contiguous.

Specifies that the region should be treated like ROM. The kernel copies all writeable sections for an application into RAM and fixes the memory addresses prior to starting the application process.

Specifies that a region of RAM is reserved. Currently, Romimage.exe ignores this field, so it functions only as a comment. This memory might be a video frame buffer or a direct memory access (DMA) buffer. Do not overlap reserved regions with other memory regions. Windows CE .NET provides a means of allocating such buffers programmatically, so the use of reserved is now effectively obsolete.

The config section specifies a number of miscellaneous settings, including the size and width of ROM if you are using the raw binary image format (ABX=ON).



[WEB]連線 HTTPS 網站發生驗證失敗導致基礎連接已關閉

某支透過 WebClient 物件去呼叫第三方API的程式,突然有天無法使用 經過測試出現下列的錯誤 基礎連接已關閉: 傳送時發生未預期的錯誤。 InnerException : 驗證失敗,因為遠端群體已經關閉傳輸資料流。 原來是第三方的服務已經不支援 TLS 1.0 我方的程式是用.net Framework 4.0開發了 得強制讓webclient改用 TLS 1.1 或 TLS 1.2 感謝黑大提供解決方法 在程式中加入 ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12  的設定就解決了這個問題 WebClient wc = new WebClient(); ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; 參考資料:暗黑執行緒

[SQL] SQL依照你的排序條件 找出目前資料的前一筆與下一筆。 Find Pre and Next DataRows of current Datarow by your order condition

有時候需要用SQL找出前一筆跟後一筆資料 用SQL的TOP是沒有辦法做到 這個時候就可以這個語法 select * from ( SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [Article] where Poid {CurrentPoid} order by CreateDate ASC) t2 找出目前PK id前一個與後一個的資料(依照想要排序順序) 那如果指示想要一個資料行呈現的話 可以改用下面的SQL語法 讓這兩筆資料join在同一筆 select Pre.*,Nex.* from (SELECT TOP 1 * ,1 tID FROM [dbo].[Article] where Poid {CurrentPoid} order by CreateDate ASC) Nex on Pre.tID=Nex.tID

[IIS]IIS - ASP.NET 網站基本優化設定 --筆記

運行 ASP.NET 基本上都是掛載在 IIS 上面,但 IIS 預設的設定,並不適合 24 小時不中斷的營運系統。 如果沒有適當的調整,可能會造成使用者的感受不佳,而你又偏偏不會遇到。 本篇將介紹 IIS 運行 ASP.NET 網站的基本優化設定。 應用程式集區 打開 IIS 管理員,到應用程式集區,選擇網站後,開啟進階設定: 1. 一般 (General) 佇列長度 (Queue Length) 預設值是  1000 ,當封包數量在同一時間到達該指定值,之後的 Request 都會變成 HTTP Status 503 Service Unavailable。 例:當有同時間有 1001 個 Request 一起送到 IIS,第 1001 個 Request 會直接回傳 503,不會進到 ASP.NET 處理。 也不是無限大就好,也是要看伺服器等級。 假設調成 10000,也真的有同時 10000 的量,可能會演變成  CUP High  的問題。 因此,這個欄位沒有建議值,網站封包量很大才有需要調整這個欄位。 啟動模式 (Start Mode) 預設值是  OnDemand ,當網站執行回收後,會等到第一個 Request 進來,IIS 才會把網站啟動。 所以第一個連上來的使用者會等到比較久的時間,ASP.NET 初始化完成後,使用者才會得到回應。 建議設定成  AlwaysRunning ,當網站執行回收後,IIS 就會直接啟動 ASP.NET。 2. 回收 (Recycling) 固定時間間隔 (Regular Time Interval) 預設值是  1740 ,也就是每隔 29 小時 IIS 就會把該網站重啟。 很可能重啟當下使用者正在操作,對於要 24 小時不中斷的系統來說,這真的是很不妥當的事情。 如果 ASP.NET 的 Session Mode 是用 InProc,網站重啟使用者就全被登出了。 建議設定成  0 ,也就是關閉定期重啟網站的設定。 如果網站真的需要定期重啟,可以在 特定時間 (Specific Times)  設定,固定每天哪些離峰時間做重啟的動作。 3. 快速失敗保護 ...