BootLoader write process Connet Board by ICE install Banyan-UE-1.8.7b.exe Pass:5678088 execute Banyan-UE\DaemonU Unzip execute FlashWrite-V0.4.6a.exe >Initialize >Detect >Auto Select "eboot.nb0" Start Write Flash RAM Connet Board by COM Cable and Ethnet Cable(port cs8900) execute dnw.exe Select com3 and 115200bps [Serial Port]->[Connect] and switch the Device power execute Platform Builder open $MyOSDesign Workspace [Target]->[Connectivity Options]->[Donwload]/[Setting] [Target]->[Attach Device] Build parameter setting set wincerel = 1 build 後自動複製 Driver *.reg write special [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\LED] "Dll"="leddrv.dll" /*Driver DLL檔名* "Prefix"="LED" /*Device名稱* "Index"=dword:1 /*設定driver共用編號* "Order"=dwo...